Seminar on urban and regional issues in Ethiopia

Seminar on urban and regional issues in Ethiopia

This course is given as part of Master of Art (MA) degree in Urban and Regional Development Planning (URDP) in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. The course discusses contemporary issues in urban and regional planning. It deals with urban sectoral policies, understanding of low-income housing, and informal housing development issues. These issues include the urban environment, urban informal settlement, and their challenges like the provision of services. The course also deals with urban green infrastructure, climate change, urban expansion, and its effect on the suburban areas, pollution of the urban environment, and urban informal settlement problems. This course tries to highlight urban planning issues that are crucial for sustainable development. It engages students to review published materials related to contemporary issues in urban development and planning, share their ideas with their peers.

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Last modified: Thursday, 29 October 2020, 1:27 PM