Weekly outline

  • Urban Interventions in Informal Housing: Architectural Design Studio: Housing



    Instructor(s) Srinivas Daketi, Nagaraju Kaja, Anil Kumar Ch, Krishna Kumar.S.V

    As Taught in VII Sem 2018

    Level Bachelor of Architecture, 4 Year

    Type Lecture and studio course

  • Schedule-1 (July 16-31, 2018)

    Topic: Briefing and Investigation

    Tasks leading to assign. submission: Nature of River City- Vijayawada. Understanding the city elements and components: Geography, Nature of the City, Precints, Typologies, Nodes, Districts.

    Remarks and Considerations: Understanding City form and its qualities: The sense of the whole

    • Schedule-2 (Aug 06-28, 2018)

      Topic: Documentation, Analysis and Site Selection 

      Tasks leading to assgn. submission: Document and analysis of the precincts/pockets of Vijayawada

      1. on/through the river
      2. Trade, commerce and religious precints (one town) of Vijayawada
      3. Automobile Industry Project
      4. Commercial Precint of Besant Road
      5. Yenamalakuduru precinct (Slum)

      Remarks and Considerations: In view of housing strategies and suitability

      • Schedule 3 (Sep 03-18, 2018)

        Topic: Interpretative analysis

        Tasks leading to assign. submission: Basics and attributes of precinct

        1. Macro Level: Image of the - Precinct-City relationship
        2. Natural Setting
        3. Pattern and form understanding
        4. Socio-spatial linkages with other precincts/within precincts
        5. Sequence and order (Built form) for social benefits
        6. Ridge lines and Edge lines
        7. Infrastructure
        8. Conservation and heritage values
        9. District Character and amenities
        10. District character and Amenities
        11. Axial Planning and Node stitching
        12. Gateways
        13. Functional Districts'
        14. Land use and activities
        15. Ease of access for persons with disabilities
        16. Housing viabilities
        17. Housing Typologies
        18. Sense of Direction

        Remarks and Considerations:

        Natural- Key attributes/components of the natural setting, Direct and indirect impacts on physical and visual quality of natural landscape, cultural or socio-economic assets 

        Manmade - Urban and Precinct context, Contribution to the cityscape in terms of adding legability and creating high and best quality urban pocket environment, Visual impact and suitability of landmark features, suitability and visibility of visual features, Compatibility with landscape and development pattern, Compatibility with overall height profile and massing, Contribution to the local character, Compatibility with heritage.

        Intermediate Level : Building and Territary

        Composition, Design and Architecture, Space Making, Streets and Street Patterns, View Corridors, Connectivity and Integration, Massing and Heights, Landmark Elements, Open space and Parks, Side walks and pedestrian linkages, Water fronts, sense of enclosures, Territory definitions.

        Micro Level User Environment: Human Scale , Harmony  and Rhythm, Passages and Sense of Movement, Materials, Colour and Texture, Transition, Street Scape, Sense of Belongingness, Safety, Flexibility and Incremental Process.

        Alternative Concepts: 

        Develop a series of alternate precinct and site design concepts based on your documentation and analysis. These concepts should be represented in plan and physical model form.

        • Schedule 4 (Sep 24-25)

          Topic: Public spaces, Building typologies and Plots, Facades and Streets, Community Plan and Massing and Program.

          Tasks leading to assgn. Submission: Pick a preferred scheme from the alternatives developed. Develop the scheme further, especially in terms of its a) Public spaces  (plan, section, elevation, perspective. b) Block structure including lots and functional uses c) Facades d) Streets e) Massing f) Programme

          Remarks and considerations: Strong reasons should be cited while picking a preferred scheme

          • Schedule 5 (Oct 16, 2018)

            Topic: Illustrative Design

            Tasks leading to assigned submission: Identify a specific zone/ area to develop in more detail. Illustrate the Architectural Programme of this area using plans, sections, elevations and perspective drawings.

            • Schedule 6 (Nov 06, 2018)

              Topic: Documentation and presentation

              Tasks leading to assgn. submission: To submit the work of the semester together into a final presentation document and present the work to a panel of faculty, outside reviewers and a representative from the City of Vijayawada.

              • Schedule-7 (20 Nov, 2018)

                External Jury- Presentation of students works and external assessment.

                Jury members - 4 external experts from Industry/academics and 4 internal experts from School of Planning and Architecture 

                • Schedule-8 (22 Dec, 2018)

                  Final Result Declared