Weekly outline


    Instructor(s) Dr Abdul Razak Mohamed

    As Taught in Even Semester 2017 to  2019

    Level M.Plan 2 Year 3rd Semester 

    Type Theory Course

  • Stage 1: Project Knowledge


    The stage the students are introduced the BINUCOM Project and its content and various stages involved where in it gives am overview of the project and the role of them as doing planning things while learning. This stage explains the apathy of the urban informal settlement households living in urban context in India has been seen form the Indian context with international input as knowing things in the class, learning from the field and realize the significance of incorporating the filed learning to the class room. This state is an eye opener for students that the subject of informal settlement is a concern of international researchers to intervene the urban planning education.

    There is one lectures covering 3 hours to introduce the project and the inclusion of the case study as their process of learning the subject Urban and Rural Governance.

    Students were formed into 5 groups of 3 to 4 members, each group was assigned to study the informal settlement in general with a focus on the (a) demography and socio-economic profile, (b) availability and accessibility of social infrastructure, (c) physical infrastructure, (d) Mobility and spatial access of livelihood needs, and (e) Local government and provision of livelihood facilities.

    In this stage the learners start learning about the slums in Vijayawada and select the case study slum area which is relevant to the context of the case study tuned with the other case study themes at the SPAV Binucom Researchers.


    This stage was done in two weeks. 


    1. Preparation of reports by each group on the said themes to gain an overall view on the case study.
    2. Preparation of the GIS based base map of the case study slum area

  • Stage 2: Subjective Knowledge


    It is an important stage the students are able to gain knowledge on the governance system and the various approaches towards the function of local govt within the contact of delivery of infrastructure facilities to the households living in the informal settlements in cities in general and also to explore the situation in Vijayawada in particular.


    This stage was carried out over two weeks.


    a) Preparation of household survey formats, check list on the field observation, aspects to be discussed with elderly people, community organizers in the slum. Groups of students prepare the survey format as per the said themes identified in the earlier stage.

    • Stage 3: Practical Knowledge


      This stage devoted to the field visit and expose to experiential learning by interacting with people, place, and activities. The visit along with the researcher and conducting survey and meeting stack holders. Making sketches and locating infrastructure facilities in the maps and taking photographs of buildings, facilities and activities.

      The learners are exposed to real life situation and learn about how to interact with the slum community and manage time and make a better quality of work.


      This stage was done over 2 weeks including field visit to the slum during Saturday and Sunday.


      Data coding and analysis of the primary data and evolve a general understanding of the social and physical reality and also the preparation of charts and maps

      • Stage 4: Evaluation Knowledge


        This stage was very crucial in terms of students engaged in validating the data collected through observation and drawing inferences and conclusions. The analysis is done in the five clusters by the respective groups. One student from each group formed another group and make the cluster information into the slum area as a whole.



        This was done in two weeks.


        The students prepare data sheets and did maps based on the clusters to highlight the real situation observed and as per the interview conducted with the households, the finding and conclusion from the lesson learned.

        • Stage 5: Reporting Knowledge


          This final stage aimed at prepare the findings and conclusions at the case study area level as per the earlier stages of work. The learners are exposed to not only construct tables and charts but also to descriptive as well analytical writing based on the data as well as the maps constructed. The preparation of the mobility maps to understand the households live in an area but they depend upon various nearby and for off places to meet their livelihood needs in the city. The preparation of spatial distribution of facilities maps address the concept of slums of despair and slums of opportunity. The construction of table on the who provides infrastructure facilities in the city and how the slum households gain access within and distance places express the social exclusion of slum households from the main stream urban development. The table on why and who the approach for getting infrastructure development is evident form the way of life of the households in the informal settlements in cities.


          This was done over two weeks.


          The students produced five posters that highlights the real situation observed and interview with the households, the finding and lesson learned on the spatial access and inclusion of infrastructure in informal settlement is a pre-requisite for a quality living.

          • 6. Unit

            [please add: content, activities, assignments, lecture notes, readings, etc.]

            • 7. Unit

              • 8. Unit

                • 10. Unit [name of unit]

                  • 11. Unit [name of unit]