The subject Urban Renewal and Re-development is a part of fourth semester . Planning course and  mainly deals with the Study and analysis the concept of urbanization across the time and how city took the shape; Physical and non physical determinants of urban form, topography and environment impact on city formation, time line, world view and principles of city planning and design etc. It also deals with Reading the city through its various process of development, focusing on to its cultural, social, and economical parameter; Study and analysis of the cities through existing built form, process of city extension, and transformation.

Learning Outcomes

The student at  the end of the course shall have the understanding of urban design as a component of planning and design of traditional and new towns. The students could also learn about morphology of cities, and methods of urban survey, urban design case study, documentation ,urban structure, urban form, urban experience, urban design principles with special focus on informal settlements in general and vijayawada context in particular.

Student Workload 

Student is expected to attend 3Hrs per week for 16 weeks in total for the semester duration

Course Structure 

 3 Credits


Assignment I-  Consists of exploring design of traditional settlements in the city of Vijayawada. The students were divided in to five groups for exploring traditional settlements of Vijayawada city and presented the work.

Assignment II- Exploring informal settlements in Vijayawada city for the morphological changes in the last twenty years

mid term exam and external evaluation are through theory paper where students are supposed to answer the question paper which will be evaluated by the course lecturer.

Grading [assessment criteria and their weight]



Assignment I  15%
Mid Term Exam 20%

Assignment II

External Evaluation




Last modified: Monday, 16 September 2019, 2:58 PM