This glossary contains key terms from the whole text book.
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
F |
Formal housingIncludes
both social/public housing and the private real estate market either for
renting or purchasing. | |
G |
Geneva Refugee ConventionIntergovernmental
treaty of 1951 defining who should be granted refugee status, their rights and
states’ obligations in relation to the protection of refugees. | |
GentrificationThe influx of middle-class people displacing lower-class worker residents in urban neighbourhoods. | |
H |
HomelessnessBroadly defined in the European Typology of Homelessness and Housing Exclusion (ETHOS) by four categories, including rooflessness, houselessness, insecure housing and inadequate housing. | |
HomesteadingThe act of taking over an abandoned building with the
intention of turning it into a home. | |
Hotspot approachEU
approach to cope with increasing migratory pressure faced by frontline
countries at the EU borders, setting up of operational support to these
countries to speed up the procedures of migrants’ identification and
fingerprinting and thus asylum claims. | |
Hotspot centresFacilities
for the first reception and identification of refugees and asylum seekers at
southern European shores, in Italy and Greece; aimed at short-term stays of no
longer than 48 hours, although the actual period is often longer. | |
HouselessnessStaying in accommodation for the homeless, in women’s shelters, in accommodation for immigrants or due to be released from institutions (e.g., for youngsters without parents, correctional institutions). | |
Housing careerThe sequence of dwellings that a household occupies during its history. | |