This glossary contains key terms from the whole text book.
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
I |
IntersectionalityA combination
or overlap of the effects of various forms of discrimination, due to factors
such as country of origin, economic status, age, gender, skin colour, and
religion. | |
Irregular/ undocumented migrantA migrant who enters and/or stays in a country without fulfilling the legal requirements to do so, including based on a lacking or expired residence permit. | |
L |
Land squattingThe occupation of plots of land to erect
makeshift houses. | |
M |
MortgageA loan in which the mortgaged property can be taken and sold by the lender if the borrower fails to pay back the loan. Therefore, mortgages are secured loans, because they are backed by a property that can be sold if the borrower defaults (this process is called foreclosure). | |
N |
NeoliberalismThe belief that open, competitive and unregulated
markets, liberated from all forms of state interference, represent the optimal
mechanism for economic development. | |
O |
Official campsSettlements
built to host refugees and asylum seekers on a temporary basis. They often
comprise container housing units and/or tents. | |
Overcrowding rateThe
ratio between the number of rooms and the number of household members, often
closely connected to other social exclusion and deprivation indicators, in
particular those related to income. | |
P |
Positive discriminationThe
act of favouring societal groups that often experience marginalization. | |
Precarious housingHousing can be classified as precarious when people
are either living in unsuitable, insecure, unaffordable, or unsafe housing, or
not housed at all and living either as street homeless or in hostels,
encampments, or temporary accommodation provided by states, charities, and some
religious organizations. | |