Research Task. Collaborative Housing.

1) Watch the following movie on “collaborative housing initiatives”: 


The movies discusses several advantages of collaborative housing. It is seen as a solution for the housing shortage and the affordability crisis, as a way to strengthen community (and to decrease loneliness) and as an ecologically more sustainable form of living. 

Do you agree with the arguments of the movie or do you think that some advantages are overrated? Take notes and clarify your answer.

2)  Find two examples of collaborative housing initiatives in your country (alternative keyword for the search engine: co-housing, Community Land Trusts, residents’ cooperatives). 

3) Answer on the following questions (200 - 400 words each):

  • What are the similarities and the differences between the initiatives?
  • Would you like to live in a collaborative housing project? Why (not)
  • Do you think that collaborative housing will be adopted by the mainstream or will it continue to be a niche market? 

You can use the references under ‘further reading’ to formulate your answer.


Further reading

Czischke, D., Carriou, C., & Lang, R. (2020). Collaborative housing in Europe: Conceptualizing the field. Housing, Theory and Society37(1), 1-9.

Put, B., & Pasteels, I. (2022). Motivational Barriers to Shared Housing: The Importance of Meanings of “Home” in the Diffusion of Housing Innovations. Housing, Theory and Society39(3), 257-274. [This paper focuses on Germany, Hungary and the United Kingdom]

Scanlon, K., & Arrigoitia, M. F. (2015). Development of new cohousing: Lessons from a London scheme for the over-50s. Urban Research & Practice8(1), 106-121.

Szemző, H., Gerőházi, É., Droste, C., & Soetanto, D. (2019). Towards a Collaborative Housing Initiative: The Role of Local Authorities. Built Environment45(3), 398-415. [This paper focuses on Germany, Hungary and the United Kingdom]

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 12:50 PM