Reflection Task. Migrants and Precarious Housing in the Local Context

In this chapter, we discussed the complex relation between (forced) migration and housing. For example, you read about the advantages and disadvantages of ethnic neighbourhoods. In addition, we described barriers for migrants regarding the access to public and private housing. We provided general information on historical trajectories and the current situation in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK. You also learned about the specific challenges regarding the accommodation of refugees. Now, let us take a more detailed look at the local level: what do you know about the situation in the region or city you live in?

We invite you to reflect on the following aspects and note down your thoughts or discuss in class:

  • Where do migrants live in your region?
  • What do you know about these areas? Where are they situated? How is the quality of housing and the access to public services in these areas?
  • How do you feel about these areas? Are they nice? Are they safe? Would you like to live there? Why (not)?
  • Who are the people living there? Where do they come from and what do they do for a living?
  • Are there differences in the (spatial) living conditions between migrants of different status groups (e.g. EU-migrants, Non-EU labour migrants, refugees)? If yes, what are these differences?
  • Are there other areas, where migrants live that are less visible? Why are these areas less visible?
  • Where does your knowledge about these areas and housing for migrants come from? Which stereotypes might play a role in your evaluation of certain neighbourhoods?

Last modified: Tuesday, 13 September 2022, 4:45 PM