E-Module Chapter 5: Informal Settlements

In this chapter, we introduced key concepts and definitions related to informality and informal settlements from legal, economic, social and political perspectives and explain how informal settlements are connected to insecurity, precarity and other forms of vulnerability. As part of this e-module, we invite you to engage further with the aspects introduced in the textbook

Consolidating Knowledge

  • Key Concepts: In this chapter, we introduced you to different definitions of informality, reasons individuals may choose to live in settlements outside the formal housing system, and how these settlements are regulated. Take a moment to check your understanding of key points using this exercise.
  • Reflection task. Mind Map on Informal Settlements: In chapter 5, we introduce key concepts and definitions related to informality and informal settlements. Create a mind map to get an overview of your knowledge on the topic.

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Digging Deeper

Last modified: Wednesday, 12 October 2022, 12:14 PM