Reflection Task on Homelessness

In this chapter, we introduce the concept of homelessness providing some historical background but focusing mainly on recent developments. We give some of the most important definitions of homelessness, discuss the often ideologically laden arguments and debates about the causes and dynamics of homelessness, present the most important programs and policies addressing homelessness and take a brief look into the possible future of homelessness. As part of this e-module, we invite you to engage further with the aspects introduced in the textbook

We invite you to reflect on the following aspects and note down your thoughts or discuss in class:

  • What do you think, when you hear the term 'homeless'? What are your personal associations? 
  • What was your last experience with homelessness?
  • In which places do you see or meet homeless people in your everyday life?
  • What do you know about these places? Where are they situated? Do you think they should be changed or improved in any way?
  • Did you experience a situation of homelessness? Do you think, you might experience one in your future?
  • Do you think, there are adequate solutions to homelessness? What do they look like?

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 11:51 AM